Today's Yummo is Axl Rose..I figure since I am going to see GnR tonight I should pay tribute to the man who I thought was one of the hottest men around back in the 80's and now he is one of the craziest.
Today's Yummo is a Ranger assigned to prevent poaching around the wildlife refuge area of Lanseria, South Africa The way these animals interact with him is absolutely stunning! The lions seem to know he's there to protect them. His charm works with a black panther, and hyenas which are known to be highly aggressive.Not only is he manly by doing good for wild animal life but he is smokin hot.
Today's Yummo is Joel McHale star of the new series Community. It is a cute quirky show and a definite watch. Not only is Joel cute, he is funny and charming.
Today's Yummo is Corey Taylor the Singer of Slip Knot. YES I realize that he may not be everyone's up of tea but I think his voice is awesome and well he has a certain something. Sorry to the ladies that have not enjoyed the Rocker Yummo's but I started the week off with Rock Stars I have to end the week that way. Next week we will be back to the more obvious Yummo's. Watch the vidoe it is truly a lovely song.
Today's Yummo is Nick Walsh, he is currently the signer of Revolver but was once the front man for Slik Toxic. Once again to the girls that have survived the 80's with me this studs for you!!! Happy Friday!